Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 1st Day Og December!! Blog:


1. How many sodas and sports drinks did you drink over the past seven days?
Zero! I've been drinking seltzer for about a month or so. Often I will have a cup of soda but not really. I don't buy soda anymore when I go to the corner store! I am still drinking seltzer.

2. What do you think is the main ingredient in these drinks?
The main ingredients in these drink are alkaloids, caffine, theobromine, and corn syrup.

3. How many teaspoons of sugar do you think are in a 12 ounce can of Coca-Cola?  A 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade?
I think about. . . . 20. I just researched that there are actually  40 grams of sugar which is equal to 10 teaspoons. 

4. What do you think happens to the sugar from these drinks once it enters your body?  Where does it go?  What effect does it have on the chemistry of your body?  What effect does it have on your performance in school or sports?
When it enters your body I think that it goes into your bloodstream and thats what like makes you hyper. If you have to much sugar your blood sugar will go up and down and that causes you to be hyper.
Well I personally wouldn't have any sugar before a sports game because I know that I will feel energized but I will probably feel weak in about the middle of the game. In school sugar will just make me hyper. But if I have like a ton of sugar or caffine I will probably crash. 
For example in the 6th grade when it was free ice coffee day at dunkin' doughnuts someone I know had like 6 ice coffees and crashed later in school during class. 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

My group's script:

( Jingle comes on.)

AKC Reporter: Hello, this is Jane Hammerlad reporting for AKC news. There has been a recent scandal up in Hooland . A young man named Bobbert Donkin was found in a coma inside his apartment. Going further into this story is Max Ablemouth.

Max: Hello Jane, well here I am at the site of the victim’s house. Going inside, we can see the huge amount of video games and donut boxes that liter the floor. The spot where Bobbert was found collapsed is currently surrounded by police officers. We will now be speaking to one of them about the scene of Bobbert’s coma, and perhaps a bit about how it came about. Excuse me Madam?

Officer: Yes sir?

Max: Can you reveal to us any information as to what may have caused the collapse of Bobbert Donkin?

Officer: Well, on thing we can assume about this case is that poor Mr. Bobbert was an avid fan of donuts. Particularly Cosmic Donuts, which are found to contain 19% of our daily saturated fat needs. Seeing as he’d eaten about 26 donuts when he collapsed means he ate well over his daily saturated fat needs. I’m not a health proffesional myself, but I have seen some articles on the matter, and I would consider that to be an extreme amount for one to eat, especially one with Bobert’s needs. And I think that the stable coma that he’s currently in is an awful price to pay for some donuts!

Max: Can you go a bit more into the subject of Bobbert’s needs?

Officer: Well, a young man of his age (which is about 18) has regular daily nutritional needs that he must fulfill, and yet stay under to keep up a healthy body. That’s all I know. Please talk to the health official to learn more about that subject. The poor, poor lad!

Max: All right, well that was quite a healthy amount of information. Let’s see if one of the Health officials here has anything more to add!

Health Official: My take on this situation is that Bobert was an obviously unhealthy individual, and that he brought about his own end. Donuts are reputably unhealthy, and contain many harmfull preservatives and bi-products.

Max: Could you perhaps list some of the ingredients in a donut for our listeners?

Health Official: Absolutely, anything to put listeners off them! Some of the worst aspects of donut ingredients are things such as hydrogenated soybean oil, (which contains trans fat, which has been known to cause heart problems.) the fact that one donut contains 19% of you daily saturated fat needs, and that they contain harsh preservatives such as Potassium Sorbate.

Max: Thank you very much, now we’ll be going back to Jane. See you tomorrow, I’m Max Ablemouth on AKC local news.

Cycle 1 review and goals for cycle 2

Hey Hey Hey! :]

Did you meet your goals?
Yeah, I guess so.
If so, how?
Well I started to drink less soda. I've been drinking a lot of water and seltzer lately which is good. I also have been eating for healthy foods. More fruits and vegetables
If not, why not?
I didn't blog a lot.

What are your goals for cycle 2?
To blog more often and keep drinking less soda and sugared drinks.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anya's Challenge

Hey! :]

I have a challenge for myself. Me and some other people are doing it.
My challenge for myself is not to drink soda or sugared drinks for 3 weeks.

My question for you guys is how long can you go without drinking soda or sugared drinks?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Would You Do?

Situation 1
You and a group of your friends are planning a day hike into the Catskill Mountains.  Everyone is trying to decide what to bring for lunch and snacks.  One of your friends thinks you should bring food high in protein.  Another friend says she just wants to bring fruit.  What would you recommend?  What would you say to convince your friends that they should follow your suggestions?

I would tell both of them that they should bring both food. Food high in protein is good to bring cause you need some kind of protein in your body. Fruit is also good to bring because it's healthy, good for you and yummy.

Situation 2
Your sister tells you she is interested in going on a "Zone Diet".  She explains that the diet is high-protein and low-carbohydrate.  The diet recommends that 40 percent of daily calories come from protein, 30 percent from carbohydrate, and 30 percent from fat.  She asks you whether you think this is a good idea. What would you recommend and why?

I'm not so sure yet. But I will finish it later when I get home.

Situation 3
Your soccer game begins in 30 minutes.  Your friend offers you a candy bar.  He says it will give you a quick burst of energy for the game.  Should you accept his offer?  Why or why not?

I would no accept it. If i do accept it, it will give me a boost of energy but I know that later in the game i will feel sick. I would eat fruit and or protein before the game because it's healthy for you. It will also give me some energy and I will feel good.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Emo Cow's

Hey Hey Hey! :]

Okay so I was thinking about when I yelled out "Because they're emo cows!" in class yesterday and i just had to post some pictures about it in this blog. 
See Lila he has a nose ring!    EMO COWS: We cry because you cook us

Emo Cow's

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Carmen and Alix's Snack :]

Hey Hey Hey! :]

1.  What are nutrients?
Nutrients are  the chemical substance in food that our bodies use to build our tissues and organs and fuel, our growth, learning and play.          

2.  What are macronutrients?
Macronutrients provides energy and include carbohydrates, fats and protein

3.  What are micronutrients?
Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals and are needed in very small amounts. They are not in all foods. 

4.  What is the "secret" to healthy eating?
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, and protein

5.  What do foods contain that provide energy for us?
All foods provide energy are in the form of cards, protein and fat.

6.  What are carbohydrates?
Are starch and sugar. The starch and sugar break down into glucose which the brain uses for fuel. 

7.  Where do we find carbohydrates?
In grains, fruits, and vegetables. Also in milk and dairy. They are also rich in the sugar called lactose. It's also a good source of protein and calcium. 

8.  Why is protein necessary for us?
Protein in necessary for making and repairing cells such as mussel and skin cells. 

9.  What are the three types of fat?
Trans Fat

10.  Why is fat important to have in our bodies?                                                                                                                                         Fat is important for protecting our organs to help our nerves function and for transporting the vitamins A, D, E and K.

Bye! :]
Eat healthy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Anya's Food Habits

Hey Hey Hey!! :]

TV= About 2-3 hours on weekdays and weekends
(sometimes 1 hour if I'm busy, and I have been very busy lately)
For the computer= I try to limit my time on the computer.
Sometimes my computer is on but I'm just not using it.
Lately I've just been on the computer for about 10-15 mins,
just checking some things or doing homework.
Over the summer when I was in Fire Island I walked
3 times a day for about 3 hours with my friends
(sometimes barefoot cause it was fun, but on the last day we didn't)
There were these paths all through out the towns in Fire Island.
We also walked along the beach.