Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Would You Do?

Situation 1
You and a group of your friends are planning a day hike into the Catskill Mountains.  Everyone is trying to decide what to bring for lunch and snacks.  One of your friends thinks you should bring food high in protein.  Another friend says she just wants to bring fruit.  What would you recommend?  What would you say to convince your friends that they should follow your suggestions?

I would tell both of them that they should bring both food. Food high in protein is good to bring cause you need some kind of protein in your body. Fruit is also good to bring because it's healthy, good for you and yummy.

Situation 2
Your sister tells you she is interested in going on a "Zone Diet".  She explains that the diet is high-protein and low-carbohydrate.  The diet recommends that 40 percent of daily calories come from protein, 30 percent from carbohydrate, and 30 percent from fat.  She asks you whether you think this is a good idea. What would you recommend and why?

I'm not so sure yet. But I will finish it later when I get home.

Situation 3
Your soccer game begins in 30 minutes.  Your friend offers you a candy bar.  He says it will give you a quick burst of energy for the game.  Should you accept his offer?  Why or why not?

I would no accept it. If i do accept it, it will give me a boost of energy but I know that later in the game i will feel sick. I would eat fruit and or protein before the game because it's healthy for you. It will also give me some energy and I will feel good.

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